Monday, November 18, 2013

Broken road...

Please remember our sweet friends, Dan & Rachel Fitzgerald, who have children in heaven with our children:  Collin, Zaylee & Baby Fitzgerald.  As this time of year is so very heavy for both of our families, we lift each other up to the Lord.  As we want our children to be with us so badly, we will ask our Heavenly Father to carry carry us until we will be with our precious children again.  We will see Jesus in our brokenness.
Thank you Fitzgerald's!
We love you!

Today is a very special little boys Heaven Day. His name is Carter Dorwin, he was 9 when Jesus brought him to Heaven, just 2 years before our son. I remember it was just days after our son Collin died that I found myself begging with Carter's mom Nicole, to please tell me what I could do to make the hurt in my heart better. I couldn't think, I couldn't eat, the flashbacks consumed me, I needed my son so bad. She reminded me over and over and OVER that Collin was no longer damaged, that he was alive with Jesus. She reminded me of the promises that Jesus has for us, especially an eternity without tears and a life forever with Him and my children. His mom has sent me a card every single month on the 11th-Collin's Heaven Day. She didn't need to do that, but she took the time to. Somedays those cards were truly what got me through the day, a reminder that Collin is safe and alive no matter what the visions of him were in my mind. I ask for prayers tonight, that God will bring comfort for this family.

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