Monday, June 2, 2008

Warm & Sunny Weekend!

I just love that picture of Toby......I had to add it to our blog to share it with you! :-)
It was finally a nice, warm weekend where the boys were able to play outside all day. I will share some of the pictures that show how busy the boys were...........
The Gator and Tractor were out-and-about on Saturday. I think the boys ran them until they wouldn't run anymore. If only the battery-operated vehicles could really mow lawn.
Which John Deere will take the lead????

"Bradley, watch where you are going".....

If every weekend could be this warm...

On Sunday, the boys decided to get out the water toys. They had the rocket sprinkler going until they were soaking wet. Carter came up with the bright idea to use umbrellas because "the water is cold, Mom".

Bradley shooting water in Carter's mouth
I spent time in the garden this weekend as it was looking more and more like our lawn, rather than a garden! I wish the veges would grow as quickly as the grass does!
Poor little Toby just couldn't keep up with the boys this weekend. He had more fun basking in the sun and taking a few naps here and there.
Chad was hard at work organizing the garage and shed. He bought a few cabinets to hang in the garage which motivated him to clean out the shed.

Chad and the boys surprised me with a beautiful crabapple tree that they planted in Memory of Baby Jacob. They planted it outside my kitchen window, thinking that I could look out and see it every day. I will take a picture of it and post it in the future.

~~I start my summer vacation as of Tuesday this week. It begins just in time to take part in some of Carter's school activities. On Tuesday, I get to join Carter's class on their walk to the park and have a picnic. On Wednesday, I have to check-out my students and classroom at Pepin. Thursday is Carter's Kindergarten graduation ceremony and carnival that I am able to volunteer at. I am excited to see Carter graduate and move forward to first grade! I think he is now ready for first grade. Friday night, the girls in my FCCLA organization are coming to our house for the end-of-the-year party. We are doing pizza and games and/or a movie. The boys love this party as they get lots of attention from my students! Today was my last day at Alma and I had to leave early because Carter has pink eye. He woke up Sunday morning with it and Chad took him to the doctor this morning, but he had to leave for Chicago this afternoon. Carter can return to school tomorrow.

~~~~Have a great week everyone!!~~~~

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