Sunday, April 6, 2008

Bradley's ER visit...

What a beautiful day Saturday turned out to be. Chad and the boys were outside all day starting at about 9:30 in the morning. When I got home from our Women's Worship group at church in the afternoon, the boys had everything pulled out of the shed and garage, doing some spring cleaning. I found Carter down the hill by the spring, climbing in the trees. Bradley was busy helping Dad get everything out of the garage to do some cleaning. We enjoyed the afternoon on a walk and playing in the sandbox and on the playset.
Just when I thought that this was the perfect day, Bradley had a fall from the monkey bars on our playset and split his chin. It happened so quickly, I am still trying to make sense of it all. The boys and I were in the sand box and I ran into the house to get the boys' new pails & shovels.....this took less than 5 minutes. When I was going back outside, I could hear Bradley crying and Chad was carrying him over to me. I'm sure many of you can relate to this I see Bradley & Chad coming toward me, they were full of blood, and Chad's words to me were...."I think he will need stitches". We left for the ER and the doctor sealed up his cut with the glue method. It took four of us to hold him down while the doctor sealed it up.
Bradley is quite sore today and having a hard time eating as his cheek, chin, and mouth are swollen. We are very thankful that it wasn't worse than this. I certainly learned a good lesson on Saturday, that Bradley is a go-getter and he needs a lot of supervision!!
Our poor little guy is feeling under the weather today as his jaw hurts and he has the croup! Chad stayed home with him this morning as Carter and I went to Sunday school and church. To Carter's disapointment, we had to reschedule our roller skating plans in Menomonie until next weekend. Bradley took a good 3 hour nap this afternoon and seems to be on the brighter side. I will be staying home with him tomorrow, and hopefully the swelling will go down and he will be ready to go back to daycare.
Have a good week everyone!!


Auntie said...

Poor little Bradley--it seems he is following in big cousin Austin's footsteps--he has had lots of stitches! We hope he is feeling better soon!

Auntie said...

austin took them all like a man!

(Comment from Austin!)

Pat said...

I'm sorry for Bradley falling and getting his 'owie'

God heals all wounds, isn't that wonderful!

Auntie Pat