Saturday, December 29, 2012

Please pray with us...

From the Joint Council Update:

In what we can only describe as a tragedy, earlier today President Putin signed the ban on intercountry adoption. The law goes into effect on January 1, 2013 and while some details remain unclear, it is being reported that the law supersedes the bi-lateral adoption agreement between the US and Russia. The status of the adoptions currently in-process is not assured at this time.

The news is all so overwhelming for us. How sad it is for the many, many children and families that are waiting for their forever home. There are simply way too many orphans in Russia that need loving families to go home to, for Putin to sign a ban like this. It is all so heartbreaking. The children will never survive in the country's orphanages without having the international adoptions -- there are too many children. Please pray for Putin - that someone would intervene and could make a difference - that Putin would have a change of heart. The numbers are all too saddening.  The conditions of the orphanages are all too saddening.  This is all so sad when there are children in the middle of a political game.  It breaks our heart.

Please read the article below on "Russia's Adoption Ban is Cruel and Vindictive to All.":

There are too many orphans and not enough families with the ban on intercountry adoptions...
Please join us and pray for a change of heart in Putin....
Please pray for the many children that need homes....
Please pray for the families that are waiting to bring their babies and children home...
Here is an amazing story of a letter written to Putin about his adoptive family....

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