Sunday, December 14, 2008

Carter's Holiday Program

Carter had his holiday program last Thursday for the Arkansaw Elementary School. Here he comes, all ready to sing... See if you can find the cousins......Carter, Autumn and Paige are in the picture.... Autumn's closer to the top; Carter is directly below, and Paige is over to the right...
Sorry about the eyes.....I zoomed in on these pictures....

Dylan was with the 3rd graders, but I was able to catch a picture of him.

The kids did a great job singing!


Auntie said...

Abby had fun searching for the cousins in the picture!

Pat said...

It's nice that you are able to catch the cousins while getting photos of Carter!

Phil Manor said...

Thanks for the Christmas card. And also for writing to me at my current address sometime ago. I appreciate that you thought of me. It's hard to believe that 2008 is already coming to a close.