Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Twelve Years later....

 Throwing some pictures of Carter out there as we remember him today and always. Twelve years ago today Carter became Forever 9 in my heart and in my soul, as he was taken from us way too soon. A journey no parent should ever experience. A brutal road that we walk and the amount of energy it takes to push through a day when we are grieving. Our hard days are a depth of hard that is indescribable. And just how quickly those joyful moments can be swiped from us when we remember what happened. I'm thankful for our family and friends that make the hard days, not so hard. I'm thankful for my family that has filled my life with so much joy. And God has been beyond faithful to us. Always focusing my thoughts on what is good. I have so much to be thankful for in this broken world. I will forever choose to trust God in the road he has us on and be thankful for His faithfulness. Just thinking of Carter puts a smile on my face. His smile, silly behavior and giggles was contagious. He brought so much happiness and positive energy to my world. There was never a dull moment with Carter around. I love that kid and miss him deeply.

Forever 9 Carter Mike

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