Friday, October 31, 2014

I miss you more with every passing day...

My heart shatters into a million little pieces with every holiday that comes and goes without my son.  Every passing season and holiday is a reminder of what we once had......what we no longer have....and how we learn to live without Carter.  When a parent loses a child, a part of us is gone too and a part of our future, hopes and dreams.  Losing Carter is a heavy, heartbreaking pain to live with every day. Holidays will never feel fully complete without him.  Oh, how much we miss him.

I will hold onto my son in my heart and know that he rests in Jesus and I will see him again one day.

Love you, sweet boy.


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you & praying for comfort & peace.

Marlene Jones said...

Prayin still for your family. Carter is not forgotten. Grid bless all of you..

Marlene Jones said...

Prayin still for your family. Carter is not forgotten. God bless you.