Monday, February 3, 2014

Trusting in Your Promises

Thinking about sweet Maddie today on her Heaven day.....and praying, praying, praying for her mommy and daddy, who so long to see her hold her again.  Praying for Aaron and Sara Martineau and asking God to give them divine courage and strength today.  Praying for God's promises and words to speak truth to them - and those words would be tucked away in their hearts. We so long for the day of no more pain, no more tears and no more suffering.  Praying for the loneliness and emptiness that is felt with the loss of a child - that only God can fill with His unfailing love, compassion, mercy and grace....that God's words speak of His unchanging love for us.  Lifting up our empty hands to You today, Lord.

Blessed be Your name on the road marked with suffering. Though there's pain in the offering, Blessed be Your name.  ~Matt Redman
"When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am." John 14:3

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