Sunday, September 1, 2013

Rejoice in the Lord always

How do we find joy in our lives?  Too often it comes at a significant price.  You learn you are mortal, and suddenly what used to seem important isn't.  Things that used to bother you don't anymore because they have become insignificant.  What then becomes significant are the people who you love and who love you.
When you know your time is limited, every moment becomes precious.  You step out the door, and a flower brings you joy because it may be the last flower you ever see.  Time becomes a gift, not a burden, because you choose to spend it with the things and people you love and stop doing the things that are meaningless.  You wear whatever you like and stop worrying so much about what others think.  When you appreciate the now, weather becomes fascinating instead of a problem.
Be in awe of the beauty of creation.  But more importantly, be in awe of the One who created it.

"But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them sing joyful praises forever.  Spread your protection over them, that all who love your name may be filled with joy."  Psalm 5:11



1 comment:

marlene jones said...

apowledI understand what you mean now aobut many things becoming insignificant. I am worrying over my daughter Melanie, Kaity's mom. She has to have heart surgery due to an infection that damaged two valves in her heart. At this time she has a new infection that they cannot get rid of so she keeps getting iv therapy for this. We await the surgeons call to find out if this has cleared at all for her to be operated on. I read your thoughts on your blog all the time Nicole and you make me understand so much. You know loss like no other. Yet you keep going and loving the Lord. I appreciate this blog so much. Thank you.
Marlene Jones