Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Walk By Faith

Walk by Faith
May 16, 2012

November 16, 2010  - We have wrestling registration tonight at Badger High School for the youth wrestlers.  Oh … we can’t forget to wish Uncle Jamie a Happy Birthday today!  Carter is so excited about the book fair at Eastview Elementary.  He made sure to put his money in his backpack and he knows exactly the books he is going to buy.  He is such a good reader!  I love how he reads to Bradley every night before bed. 

Carter never made it to the youth wrestling registration at Badger High School or the book fair at his elementary school.  I had to call my brother that morning, but it wasn’t to wish him a happy birthday.  Carter did not read to his little brother that night before bed.  My nine-year-old son went into the arms of Jesus, unexpectedly, that morning on our way to school, when an oncoming vehicle struck us, right behind me, where Carter was sitting.  It has been 1 ½ years, today, since we’ve seen Carter.  Today is my nephew, Andrew’s, birthday.

“I rise early, before the sun is up; I cry out for help and put my hope in your words.  I stay awake through the night, thinking about your promise.”  Psalm 119:147-148

The hardest part of this journey is the waiting …..… waiting for the glorious day…

            ….…… waiting for Jesus to return
            ………. waiting for the New Earth
            ……..... waiting to meet Jesus face-to-face
            ………..waiting to drop at Jesus’ feet and thank Him for all He has done for us
            ………..waiting for the reunion

“But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives.  And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior.”  Philippians 3:20

 Every death is a separation from someone we love.  God says to wait……….
             Do we trust God and His timing? 
            “The Biblical view is that waiting is not so much about when I will get what I’m waiting for, but what I will become as I wait.”  Dr. Paul David Tripp

 “Loss knocks us off our feet and puts us on our backs.  In the experience of loss, we come to the end of ourselves.  But in coming to the end of ourselves, we can also come to the beginning of a vital relationship with God.”  A Grace Disguised, Jerry Sittser.  Our faith did not begin with the loss of Carter.  However, since then, we have grown spiritually and in new ways with God.  We’ve fallen flat on our faces before God.  In falling, we came face-to-face with our smallness and this allowed ourselves to open our souls to God to be transformed by our suffering rather than avoiding it – and to become the people God intended us to become.  This is not something that has an ending or becomes complete here on earth – it is a continual growing, changing and becoming more like Jesus as we seek Him each day.


Part of the transformation through God is where we see His Light – each experience we have has now become holy to us.  Our time with each other is now a holy experience; our time with our family is now a holy experience; our time with our friends is a holy experience and our time with others as we share with them all the work God has done and is doing in our lives …. is a holy experience.  The time we have with Bradley is so very precious to us.  We realize how important our time is here and that we might not have tomorrow.  Each experience with everyone is very special and holy – and we are so thankful for that and always keep Christ in the center of it.  We praise God for the times that we have together.

“…..But as a result, we stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God, who raises the dead.”  2 Corinthians 1:9

“Suffering can lead to a simpler life, less cluttered with non essentials.”  We quickly saw the bigger picture after Carter’s time here on earth – we rearranged our lives to put our priorities in line, starting with serving God as number one (as Carter would say).  As a Christian family, we had thought we were putting God first, and in many ways - we did.  However, God revealed to us the many ways where our lives needed to change for Him and to pour our energy into seeking Him.  We spent much time in prayer for God to give us guidance, direction and a clear vision for our hearts and our lives to be truly focused on Him and loving Him more than loving the world.  God answered our prayers and gave us a new direction in life.  We wanted to follow God’s calling, even if it meant giving up everything we had worked for.

With the death of Carter, our lives have changed in the blink of an eye.  The things we worked so hard for doesn’t mean anything anymore.  We were living like the world does - all wrapped up, trying to make wealth, having a strong career and putting God second.  We were the Christian family trying to live the “American Dream”.  Carter’s death has really opened our eyes with what is the most important reason we are here - and that is to serve God and bring others to Christ.”  Chad Dorwin

“And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises.  These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.”  2 Peter 1:4


 The way God has spoken to us through our pain has allowed us to open our souls to Him – fully and honestly, not holding back.  “The pain of loss is severe because the pleasure of life is so great; it demonstrates the supreme value of what is lost.”  The pleasure of Carter in our life was so great that the pain of loss is so severe.  The comfort from the loss of a child can only come from God, His grace and everything He brings to us each day.  We are truly being “held” by God.  We become more aware to God’s presence and more alive to the present moment in deep sorrow.  In grieving, I see God’s grace more clearly - throughout the day and night.  When the present becomes so painful, I grab a hold of God’s presence.  It is He, Jesus, I call out to when I feel panicked and am missing Carter so incredibly much.  I most desire to be in His presence to endure the pain of losing Carter – which has brought me to know Christ so much more.


“Then I pray to you, O Lord.  I say, “You are my place of refuge.  You are all I really want in life.”  Psalm 142:5

 Sorrow expresses a deep emotional pain for others…… it enlarges the soul of feeling the world’s pain and suffering.  God continues to work in our hearts and reveal the hurt and suffering in others – in God’s children.  We’ve been exposed to heart-wrenching stories of extreme poverty and injustice in the world, as well as the Christians and Christian organizations that offer hope.  As we are experiencing the compassion, and have opened our hearts to God, we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us to the place of hope to make a difference.  Each of us has our own unique “thing” that God has shaped us to become passionate about.  What am I doing to take God’s message to the world?

“My life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus – the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.”  Acts 20:24


“Rejoice in confident hope, be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.”  Romans 12:12

In visiting with my Grandpa Ed, who is 99 years old and in an assisted living home, he was sharing his memories with me of my mom when she was a youngster, running around on the farm.  This particular day I was visiting him, was the day before my mom was to have a high risk surgery.  My grandpa suffers with short-term memory loss (Dementia), along with other elderly issues in the assisted living home.  He had such a big smile on his face that day, as he shared stories with me when my mom was young, vibrant, healthy and even a little mischievous.  We were laughing together, thinking about my mom and her running around as a little girl and then growing up into a teenager.  It brought tears to my eyes, just thinking about my mom so young and healthy as we had been praying fervently for her in the situation she was in.  Jesus gave me a glimpse into eternity as Grandpa continued to talk …….. I saw my mom – young, beautiful, healthy and running around.  Then I saw Grandpa Ed – young, healthy, strong and he, too, was running around.  Finally, I saw Carter – his beautiful, perfect 9-year –old body; not broken or injured; running around with his great big smile.  There will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain …… He will wipe away every tear…….. All these things are gone forever (Revelation 21:4).   So much to look forward to in our walk with Jesus!

 “I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead.  I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death, so that one way or another I will experience the resurrection from the dead!”  Philippians 3:10-11

God gives us His words and His promises to live each day for Him.  Knowing the truth, we grieve with eternity in mind.  We will grieve with hope.  The only worthy goal for life is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. 

“You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.”  Psalm 16:11

Happy 17th Birthday to our nephew, Andrew, on this day!  We love you, Andrew!

Click on the link to listen to “Walk by Faith”, Jeremy Camp

1 comment:

Pat said...

Thank you for sharing such deep feelings and thoutghts along with scripture. It is truley evident that the Lord has used this 18 months to bring you closer to Him and see the family, friends and blessings you have around you. The loss of Carter was and still is heart breaking......the joy of knowing you will see him again someday comes from the Lord.
God bless each of you.