Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Blue and Gold Banquet

We attended Carter's Boy Scout's Blue & Gold Banquet on Saturday. It was a nice......long.....event. The little cubs had a good time celebrating together, and they had the opportunity to watch the Webelos 2 crossover. This is when a cub scout crosses over to a boy scout.

The Banquet included a cake contest celebrating the Boy Scout Association (BSA) of 100 years! The cubs all made and decorated a cake for this event. Carter made a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.

Each den (Tiger, Wolf, Bear and Webelos) performed a skit for everyone. Here, Carter is with his Wolf den.

Carter goes up to receive his "Wolf Totem 3 Beads" for his work in the Wolf den. He will be graduating from a Wolf to a Bear. Jeff & Marie, the first two on the right, are Carter's Den Leaders.

Pictured here is Carter with the Boy Scout Leader.

Carter with his award! We are proud of Carter for his hard work in the Wolf Den and for his accomplishments!

1 comment:

Auntie said...

Congratulations, Carter, on becoming a Bear! Your cake looks so yummy, too!