Saturday, October 3, 2009

Carter loses a tooth

Carter could hardly make it up the stairs yesterday; he was so excited to share the news that he lost his tooth at school today. The stubborn tooth has been bothering him all week and it finally fell out on Friday. Carter said that he was just sitting in class when he felt it in his mouth. He yelled, "Mr. C., my tooth fell out!!!!"
Mr. C. sent him to the office to get the little treasure box that says "Tooth Saver" to get his tooth home safely.

Carter was relieved this morning that the tooth fairy found our new home!! :-)


Auntie said...

Yeah, Carter! You look good with your front tooth missing. Now, all you have to do is lose your other front tooth, and you can sing, "All I Want For Christmas is My Two Front Teeth" this year! :-) I hope you can still eat the caramel apples when you come to the pumpkin patch. Otherwise, auntie will just HAVE to eat it for you...

Pat said...

Wow, a tooth missing ... wait until you get your new 'big' tooth.

I hope the tooth fairy was very good to you.