Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy 15th Birthday Austin!

Our nephew, little Austin Craig, is 15 years old on March 14!! Where did the time go? We sure enjoy watching him grow up. It was an exciting day for me when Austin was born as I took on a new family role as "Auntie". It is fun to think back of all the memories in the last 15 years with Austin. It is very entertaining to watch Austin play his sports as he is quite an athlete. I hope you enjoy some of the pictures that we have of Austin (I didn't have my digital camera back-in-the-day when Austin was little).............
Austin's first experience of snow boarding at the Baecker's for Christmas in 2004..... Big Cousin Austin came to see little Bradley in the hospital when he was born, 2005.......
Cousins hanging out at Grandma Deb and Grandpa Ken's house for Carter's 5th birthday (2006). Here they are being the silly Klimie cousins with Bradley.......
Austin & Bradley on a wagon ride at the Rice Lake Pumpkin Patch (2006). Love the Barney hat......
This looks like a nice bunny to take home! Austin at the Pumpkin Patch.....
Here we are again for our group picture at the Rice Lake Pumpkin Patch in 2007......
These are some pictures that Shana sent me over the years. Here the Klimek's are at one of the Vikings games....
Hunterman Austin gets a nice looking turkey........
Austin is showing us his good hunting skills back in 2004......

We are very proud of you Austin! Carter & Bradley look up to you and they love hanging out with the Klimie cousins. Your athletic skill is amazing and it is very entertaining watching you play sports. Happy Birthday! We love you!!

1 comment:

Auntie said...

Thanks for the cool birthday post! Austin thought it was great!