Thursday, December 4, 2008

In Memory of Our Jacob

December 4th is a day we will always remember and keep our Jacob close to our hearts. A day has not gone by without thinking about Jacob. As time passes, I feel God's comfort more and more. I often think about what he would have looked like........what he would have been like. Would he take on Carter's strong-will; or would he be more of a stinker, like Bradley? Jacob is and will always be a part of our family. Carter talks about him often and it puts a smile on my face knowing how much he loves him.

God gives me strength each day to think about Jacob and smile. My heart aches for him, but I feel comfort in knowing that I will be with him one day.

The boys made cards and placed flowers by the tree that we planted in remembrance of Jacob.

Carter made a beautiful picture for his little brother. He drew an angel, a Christmas tree, and a snowman, as he told me that he remembers Jacob's birthday around Christmas time.
I want to thank everyone who thought of us today and sent e-mails, e-cards, cards, flowers, Shana's beautiful tribute on her family blog, hugs, and kind words of love. I can't tell you how much your kindness means to us and how much it helped me get through the day. THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE AND COMFORT. It is comforting to know our baby Jacob is in good hands!

On a different note, Bradley wanted to show everyone his Christmas headband that he made at daycare today.....

1 comment:

Auntie said...

We are all missing our little Jacob--especially today--and thinking of him with love. He is safe in Jesus' arms until you hold him again.