Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Program at Friendship Church

The Sunday School kids put on a very nice Christmas Program for us. My group of Sunday School kids were dressed up as little Shepherds and Angels. They practiced singing the words to "Away in a Manger" and "The First Noel".

Carter, our little Shepherd.... Bradley did not want to dress up for the program, but he did want to go up on stage with Carter and sing the Christmas songs.

Our little Shepherds and Angels getting ready for the program.......

Our serious-looking Shepherd and the sweet-looking Angel, Paige.......

I must say, Paige makes a very cute Angel.....
Ethan is also in our group and was a smiling little Shepherd......
What a crew!!!.....
Bradley wanted to get in on the picture-taking, too!
The kids are on stage singing, "The First Noel".....
Paige, Bradley & Carter....
Paige, singing her heart out.........
Dylan, who is in the next class up, was a police officer in the Christmas Play. He did an excellent job remembering all of his lines.

Yes, this angel has a beard!! The kids put on a cute Christmas play with humor. Everyone was looking for Baby Jesus.
Cousin Hunter is in the play as a Shepherd.....looking for Baby Jesus and trying to figure out the real meaning of Christmas.
Even Cousin Brett was in the play as "Rudolph", with Santa, explaining how humans celebrate Christmas.
The little ones get to sing one more song....."Away in a Manger"....
Great job to our Sunday School kids for putting on a beautiful, yet entertaining, Christmas Program.
Merry Christmas everyone!!

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