Friday, June 13, 2014

Grip of God


We had a beautiful trip to visit Rachel Fitzgerald at her store, "Weathered Raindrop", a Division of Grip of God Ministries, in New Richmond.  Rachel is Collin's mama, the precious little boy who lives in heaven with our Lord. Rachel has a beautiful heart for the Lord. Such an incredible sense of peace ran through me in her store.  This inspirational Christian place is filled with beautiful collections that give hope, love, and encouragement to the hurting.  It is a store that inspires others through suffering, encouraging them to allow God to hold them secure in His grip and restore their lives.  And that is exactly what happened when we were there......

We cried together, we laughed together -- we shared stories of our children together, and just how God holds us secure in His grip as we travel through our brokenness.  I felt God so near to us in the store and His presence was so very alive!  I had just shared with Rachel the story of the Oriole bird that passed over our car the day before, and we talked about the ways that God takes care of us.  As we were talking and sharing, Carter's song "Mighty to Save" starting playing.  I thought it was my cell phone ringing, for I've had that ring-tone on my phone since the accident.  Come to find out, it wasn't my cell phone!  It had come from another person's cell phone, that she had just started playing Pandora Radio on!!  And that was the first song that was playing!!  There it was....."Mighty to Save"....playing in the store as we were clinging to Jesus in our pain!!

Thank You, Lord, for Your steadfast and incredible blessings!  "You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds, O God our savior." Psalm 65:5

Links to Rachel's Inspirational Christian Market:

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