Saturday, July 11, 2009

VBS Fiesta

VBS 2009 went well this year. The theme was "Fiesta", which the kids had a blast dancing to the music.

McKenna, our pastor's daughter, did an awesome job painting the scenery for us. Here is the Mexican village she painted..... Amy Black was a "Maraca Munchies Leader" where the kids made yummy snacks. Missy was a "Cactus Crafts Leader" where the kids made fun crafts.
Here are some of the volunteers......
Brett, Lenny, Dane, Ann, Amy & Missy are in the picture.
Brett was a "Crew Leader" where he traveled with the kids from station to station.
Lenny, Ann & Dane were the "Grande Game Leader". The kids played games outside. I think the kids favored the water games.
We had a committed and energetic staff volunteers. VBS could not happen without the many dedicated volunteers.
Bradley joined in on some fun....

The VBS children learned a Bible Point each night:
"Jesus is our friend"
"Jesus is our life"
"Jesus is our leader"
"Jesus is our Savior"
"Jesus is our helper"
It was an exciting week as we prayed that our kids would grow in their friendship with Jesus.
The VBS kids sang a Fiesta song, with the help of the youth volunteers on Sunday, after VBS.

Hunter leads the way as the kids...."Cha-cha-cha....."

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