Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Sunday morning started bright and early with Christian Education Hour (formerly known as "Sunday School"). I teach the Kindergarten - 2nd grade kids. We practiced our song that the kids were going to perform for their mom's and dad's and other families in church.
The kids did a great job singing and following the motions to the song. Here's Carter and Paige in the front row. Paige did a great job singing........and smiling!!

If you look closely, you can also see Ethan, Hunter, and Dylan in this picture.....

After church, we headed back to Durand for gift opening at Bill & LaNita's house. We watched Paul & Tara open all their wonderful gifts.

Family members and wedding party people attended the gift opening. Shana and Abby made it over. Shana put together a CD for Tara & Paul of the many great pictures from their wedding. I think she stayed up all night to put it together. Thanks Shana!
Shana, Abby and Auntie Pat....
From left to right, here is Tara's Aunt, Tara's dad's friend, and Tara's dad.....
LaNita and Bill were very busy getting different jobs done around the house to prepare for this day. The lunch was great that LaNita prepared. I think I am still eating leftovers!
Here is LaNita and Tara's Grandma......
What a fun weekend, thanks to family and friends. Paul and Tara are off on their honeymoon this week. They are taking some time together up north. We hope you enjoy the time together!
The new Mrs. and Mr. Dorwin.......


pasto♛ej said...


Auntie said...

congrats, Tara and Paul!!!